Monday, June 29, 2009

Breaking for this week

The summer here in Maine has been a cold and rainy one. This makes it easy to spend countless hours indoors editing my website and working on getting ready for my next adventure. Given the context of both I'll be on break all this week...hence the short entry for this morning.

I hope to come back next Monday with some great updates and new project links.

Monday, June 22, 2009

A new site (sort of)

After a great semester, a few weeks of rest, and a few of getting things in order I'm happy to say I have up-dated and re-tooled my photography website. The link to it can be found here and on the right hand tool bar option FP Portfolio Page. For best viewing ensure your browser window is as large as you can make it.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Stay Tuned....

I'm working on pulling together something I think will be a great addition to the blog. If all goes as planned it will be up and running by tomorrow afternoon.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Looking Forward while thinking back

Below is an excerpt from an email I wrote the day after my birthday which was celebrated while I was in Dhaka. It was truly one of my top five and one I am looking to see if I can have a variation of while I am overseas this coming year.

...What a birthday it was... [I] went to lunch with friends of mine to a Mexican restaurant. Think Mexican food meets Bangla spices meets US (Chili's) decorations! We then crossed the street and had ice cream at Baskin' Robins. We ate it while watching the TV which was showing Free Willy. Truly bizarre.

After that we took off for a party at the apartment of a United Nations AIDS country coordinator - whose building is across from the Russian Embassy. We (Laura, Megan, and I) were invited to the event. My birthday party was extended that much longer!

The party ended at 11:30 and our group of VSO volunteers made our way, by Rickshaw, a few blocks down to catch a taxi. Two of my friends jumped onto a rickshaw and I joined them. Our driver, once he saw me getting on, said that he wanted me to peddle. So, taking the opportunity to do so, peddled my two friends and the rickshaw driver, down the street. Highlight in my book! The driver, not much older than 14, made jokes the whole time.

I made the ride just fine - accept for two moments where the rickshaw went coo coo and I almost hit a few lamp posts. Our group of six made it to the main intersection to then jump in a tiny four door cab. The floor of the cab was probably only a few inches off the ground....but, with what felt like half my body hanging out the window, I made it safely to my apartment.

As far as birthdays go - this one will for the ages.

Monday, June 1, 2009

From Before