Monday, August 24, 2009

Photoshop Elements

I played around with a trial version of Photoshop Elements last week. I think it's a great program. However, after using CS3 for the past few months I find what I know/used to is what I want to stick with post-Salt.

The picture above wasn't the best one to use but it was fun to play around with. Anyone with a inner/outer plant geek in them the flower above is a lehua flower.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Need Magazine meets Bangladesh

Need Magazine recently posted a few of my pictures from Bangladesh. The photo essay is based on my time there as a volunteer with VSO and how the experience visiting Tala put me on the path I am now on.

The magazine's main focus is to "support humanitarian efforts". They do really great work.

You can see the posting by clicking here.

Monday, August 3, 2009

A distant reminder

When I was in Bangladesh I wrote a blog post all about trash. The act of littering is one that has always, and will always, mystify me.