Monday, November 10, 2008

Alphabet Soup

I have been in Bangladesh for a month now! And while I have learned a lot - what types of programs VSO Bangladesh is running, the location of key places (grocery stores, etc), how to negotiate for a taxi, and an introduction to the language, there remains a certain level of uncertainty. This is of course natural. Only here there a few added opportunities for learning.

I like to think of what I am taking on in terms of alphabet soup. Partly because it is 5:30 pm and I am getting hungry. And partly because I also find it a good analogy for what I am experiencing. I am in fact in Dhaka (the soup so to speak). I know that I will be starting my assignment soon and that it will be rewarding. Yet, still unknown (in the form of floating alphabet letters) is what is going to actually happen next. I am glad that I don't know. That sounds funny to say but it is true. For now it is good enough that I am swimming in the soup.

Here, no matter how I feel, Dhaka moves forward...constantly forward. I have begun to see that it is best to simply live each day comfortably in the not-knowing. Comfortable in the soup.

I am hungry. It's time for dinner. Be well.

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