Sunday, January 4, 2009

Tang still tastes good

To begin, I did not end up living in my apartment like a hermit during the elections. I did demonstrate caution though and stayed at home during what felt like appropriate times. For example I didn't go out the night before the election. Nor did I walk around to the various polling stations in my part of town - though I wanted to.

The voting over who would have control of the government and Parliament went as well as any election in a free country could go. There were minor uplifts but no bombings or shootings at any of the election events. Back in 2004 these types of events did occur hence the amount of fear and over precaution everybody felt this time around.

In a landslide victory the Awami League, lead by Sheikh Hasina, won the election. Two days after the fact the official outcome announcement was made. While there were some victory parades no major clashes occurred. Peacefully demonstrated democracy never felt so palpable. There are still a few "ifs" and "wills" floating around. Will the fundamentalists try and attack the government once the energy from the election settles down? Will either Sheikh Hasina or Khaleda Zia still be held accountable for the corruption charges they faced prior to the election? No one really knows the definitive answer to any of these questions. For now people are just happy that everything went well. The "ifs" and "wills" will have to wait for another day.

Most of my time during the election revolved around watching CNN cover the election and current situation in Israel, re-discovering that Tang still has a soft spot in my heart and stomach, and building the first step towards a larger photography/writing project I am working on. To see it click here. You can also access the site by clicking on the Photography Portfolio link under the FP Picture option on the right hand toolbar of this page. I will keep the Flickr link going as well. The aim of this new site though is to frame the images I capture in a different context. I hope to develop the ideas I talk about under the Information tab on the new site into a larger project. Another new toolbar addition I added is the option for you to follow this blog. To learn how just follow the directions the pop-up window will give you after clicking on the "Follow This Blog" option on the right hand toolbar. I set this option up in response to the feedback on how hard it was to figure out how to receive updates under the older RSS option.

Enjoy the new additions and site.

-From Dhaka-

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