Monday, March 9, 2009

Bangladesh - from the street to the press

There are a lot of things I could be writing about in this post but feel it necessary to provide an update about what is going on in Bangladesh.

I am in the process of finding out, from my friends there, what exactly is going on. So I'll leave that part of this post out. And while I don't want this blog to turn into a link-to site there are a few good articles from reputable sites worth reading from. They are:

The challenge of trying to keep the situation going on in Bangladesh from afar is no simple task. What to say from the safety of distance? How to report 'the word from the street' while no longer on the street? Rhetorical questions abound. From what I have heard the new government means business in trying to create stability prior to and after the horrific event took place last week. These are not just words but tangible actions.

Bangladesh has become ingrained in my thought. As such I plan on keeping a close eye on the country both now and in the future.

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